City College of Commerce and Business Administration

City College Of Commerce And Business Administration

13, Surya Sen Street, Kolkata - 700 012, West Bengal.

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City College of Commerce and Business Administration

Contact Person Principal

Phone Number 033 - 2219 6281



The importance of City College as one of the premier educational institutions of India rests as much in its trail-blazing efforts in the realm of education as in its association with the liberal masterminds of the 19th century Indian Renaissance. The present-day City College started as City School, founded on January 6, 1879, by the Sadharan Brahmo Samaj. It was raised to a college in 1881. B.A. classes were introduced in 1884; a Law Department came up in 1885, and M.A. classes were introduced and conducted until the new regulations of Calcutta University terminated them.

Initially the college was housed in an old building, but afterwards it was shifted to another old house at 13, Mirzapur Street (now Surya Sen Street). A new building was erected in its place, the opening ceremony of which was performed in 1884 by Lord Ripon, the then Governor-General of India. In 1905, the college was brought under the control of a society called "The City College Institution", now known as the "Brahmo Samaj Education Society" whose chief objective was to promote the cause of education as an all-enveloping process to contribute towards the all-round development and well-being of the human community.

The City College Commerce Department came up in 1939 (18.07.1939.) in response to the large-scale demand among the youth of the time for quality university education in commerce. In 1940, a Commercial Bureau was set up; and in 1945, the Department of Commerce and Business Administration was formally organized. The college got affiliated to the University of Calcutta in 1961, and was also officially recognized by University Grants" Commission in the same year under the U.G.C. Act [Section 2(f)].

Since then the college has produced countless students of the highest calibre in all walks of life. Today City College of Commerce is one of the major institutions imparting education in areas of commerce with the help of teachers drafted from an ever-expanding field of business studies and activities. An evening college, it immensely contributes to post-employment education.

All such efforts have not gone unrewarded, as students from all parts of the country have come to study here to academically prosper and secure gainful employment in several commercial and industrial concerns all over the country. The college has achieved a respectable position among educational institutions of the highest quality.


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Principal's Desk

An educational institution earns its reputation from the concerted efforts of teachers, staff and students. A Principal is the helmsman, ever in charge of his resources, which he orchestrates and marshals with the help of his colleagues and students. In a democratic set-up, he acts as the guardian spirit, who, though not a policy-maker, is given the liberty to use his discretion, presence of mind and empathy to utilise his resources to the full. It is not always easy; in fact, it is riddled with difficulties and pitfalls, but the onus is always on the Principal to keep a straight nose and deal with the snags, come whatever may. It is not always an enviable job, but there lie its challenges. For it is the prerogative of the Principal that he keeps his wits together and judges everything with a great deal of common sense and humanity.

When I took over as Principal of City College of Commerce & Business Administration, I knew my priorities. I had earlier taught in the college, and was familiar with the life here. I was always intrigued and attracted by the apparent contrariety of the principles it stood for: vibrancy of life wedded to the sobriety of its heritage. For an institution bearing the weight of so many glorious years, it is imperative that the same tradition holds sway for years to come. In such a scenario the responsibility of a Principal to keep the momentum running is immense. The primary concern rests with the constant development of the students at different levels of academic and moral orientation. The college being a single-stream institution (devoted to commerce-related studies), students getting admitted here have a homogeneity of approach. Hence it should be the look-out of the college that it serves them in the best ways possible, which can be done only by disseminating quality education alongside inseminating social and moral values so that education is not single-tracked. City College of Commerce and Business Administration has been making endeavours to achieve a fine coalescence of the two modes. It is a difficult task no doubt, and given the multifarious infrastructural handicaps, there is every possibility that we will waver and fall short of the desired benchmark. However, an aspiring soul can never soar unless it is thwarted from time to time. After all, ‘A man’s reach should exceed his grasp/ Or what’s heaven for?’ So, the college will try its best to put its best foot forward on every occasion.

It is heartening that we have been able to organise career-oriented workshops involving big corporate houses, engage TCS and IBM to carry out recruitment drives in the campus, involve students to address seminars, introduce a certificate course on communicative English and Soft Skills and send students on educational visits to industrial houses. The college is undergoing a revamping process: the library has already been semi-automated and days are not far when some areas of the college will be fully automated.

As Principal I have to keep in mind all these aspects and try to forge ahead with unflagging resolve and determination. With wonderful support from my learned colleagues, very competent support staff members and above all, students, I have every reason to feel confident.


Admission Info

The admission procedure is conducted online. It involves the steps enumerated below:
1. Filling up the admission forms posted on the college website
2. Downloading the receipt/ chalan from there and submission of the same at the bank designated for this act.
3. The merit lists prepared in the descending order on the basis of marks obtained and duly posted on the website
4. Admission fees deposited in the bank by selected candidates
5. Formal admission process completed in the college
6. Cash payment done through chalans generated through the website and deposited in the bank
7. Online payment through debit/credit cards allowed
8. Continuation of the admission process on the basis of deadlines specified for different merit lists prepared as per the number of seats filled up
9. Number of lists prepared on the basis of vacancies remaining after the expiry of each deadline
10. The list of admitted candidates received through MIS from the bank

1. The admission criteria outlined by the University of Calcutta adhered to
2. Cut-off marks fixed within the prescribed parameters
3. Marks verified twice at the time of admission in spite of their authenticity after being checked online.
4. The entire process completed within the stipulated deadline marked by the university
5. Admission of the backward castes and tribes strictly maintained as per the norms laid down for such communities

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