Vivekananda College for Woman

Vivekananda College For Woman

Barisha, Kolkata, West Bengal 700008

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Vivekananda College for Woman

Contact Person Dr. Soma Bhattacharya

Phone Number (033)24457575 /5044



The present Vivekananda College For Women was first established as ‘Vivekananda College, Barisha’, in the year 1950, as an Intermediate College under the scheme for ‘.dispersal’ of ‘displaced students’ from Calcutta. For the first two years the College had no separate building. Classes were held in the west block of Barisha High School situated on the southern side of the present college building. From the time of its inception the last century saw the institution emerge from its cocoon of shabby-genteel parochialism and valorously take on the challenges of globalization. The road was long but never weary. Step by step the principals, teachers and staff one after another contributed their unflagging energies to help the college blossom.


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Principal's Desk

Welcome. This is Vivekananda College for Women, with all its resource, waiting to serve you and the society. The following pages will give a detailed description regarding our resource, success and failure. This will help you all to make a complete evaluation of the college, keeping in mind the immense potentiality which we can reach with march of time.

Education in India flourished from the Vedic Ashramas with S?m-mantras full of moral values and self-realisation, the fragrance of which faded long ago. At present we are in an era when it is difficult to identify the actual aim of education – whether it is only the financial stability or to prepare ‘man’ with moral values. Probably a perfect balance, a perfect blending of the two is required at present which we actually try to do here. Formal education is being supplemented here with non-formal and professional training giving better job opportunities to the students. At the same time we try to enlighten our students through the messages of Swami Vivekananda and try to make proper ‘man’ with good morale and self-reliance. Our aim, on one hand is to give light of education to the masses and to generate skilled workforce, on the other to give quality education to students and to make better perspective citizens of the country.

Gender inequality in India is a social disease which is reflected in every field, starting from sex ratio to higher education or from girl child mortality rate to women employment. Once Swami Vivekananda wrote … “the best thermometer to the progress of nation is its treatment of its Women”. Mahatma Gandhi also warned that “Man the law-giver will have to pay a dreadful penalty for the degradation he has imposed upon the so-called weaker sex”. But such repeated intimations and warnings from the renowned social reformers have failed to change our deep rooted mentality and social outlook. The United Nations Development Programmes (UNDP) statistics update 2013 indicates that in terms of Gender Inequality Index (GII) India ranks 127 out of 152 countries with a GII value 0.536.

Less than 50% of the girls in India can reach school and less than 37% of the girls in India can reach college. The scenario remains almost same if not worse in case of employment. But we the women, as noted by Ramachandran “do three fifth of the World’s Work, earn only one tenths of world income and possess one hundredth of the world’s assets”. In India only 19% of unpaid household work is done by man.

Amidst such social ambience the women must be properly educated to acquire that much strength of mind and financial stability to fight injustice which they face starting from family to the workplace. In our institution we try our best to give job oriented trainings along with syllabus oriented education so that the students can face the competitive job market. A special kind of service we always try to provide to our students, excepting the other facilities available here, at a minimum cost or without any cost, like computer training, special class for job oriented English and Mathematics etc. But to out utter surprise we realize that the students are not only reluctant to take the facilities but are also totally unaware about the existence of such facilities. To them College is a place to go, to study the syllabus, to appear in the examinations and lastly to get a certificate to declare herself as a graduate. In most of the cases the degree remains ornamental without any use and the degree holders also remain happy with that- but we remain anxious about their future.

We are not only anxious about this category of students, but we are also doing our best for that category of students who are interested in higher education. Our Post Graduate Department of Geography is running successfully and in its first Convocation the Vice Chancellor, University of Calcutta, expressed his satisfaction regarding our performance. After long endeavor and debate the department of Geography has also been recognized by the University of Calcutta as a ‘Research Centre’ for Geography, where the students of the college and outside will be able to do research for attaining Ph.D degree.

Post Graduate course in Bengali recognized by the University of Calcutta has been started with full enthusiasm and with a specific aim to establish it successfully like it’s sister department.

Our dream is a relentless progress. Become a part of us, remain with us and share our dreams so that we can uplift us to a ‘Model College’, as per desire of the Vice Chancellor, University of Calcutta, expressed in his PG Convocation lecture.


Admission Info

· A Three-Year (1+1+1) Bachelor Degree Honours (B.A./B.Sc.) and General Course (B.A. /B.Sc/B.Com.) is offered to students who have passed the Higher Secondary or its equivalent examinations recognised by University of Calcutta and other criteria as stated by the College.

· After publication of results of Higher Examination (10+2), details of criteria, subject combinations offered, capacity of each subject will be clearly displayed in the College notice board as well as in the College website.

· After selecting the preferred stream, subject and subject combinations following the instructions given in the college website and/or notice board carefully the students should apply in the prescribed form.

· The College will publish merit list for each subject in the Honours course on the basis of the criteria for selection as fixed by the college.

· After publication of first merit list (both in College website and in the College Notice Board) the selected students should come to the college for counseling and /or admission.

· At the time of admission all original documents will be checked by the college authority and in case of any discrepancy the name of the student will be struck out from the merit list.

· The second and third merit list will be published subsequently by the College if seats are available.

· Students willing to pursue their studies in General Course may be admitted directly on a first come first served basis( till the seats are available).


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