St. Xavier\'s Collegiate School - High School

St. Xavier's Collegiate School - High School

30 Mother Teresa Sarani Kolkata 700 016

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St. Xavier\'s Collegiate School - High School

Contact Person B. Thomas Sj

Phone Number +91-33-2255 1171



In November 1843, a fire broke out in the San Souci Theatre, No. 10, Park Street, Kolkata. It was an accident that changed the history of Park Street and that of "The City of Joy", Kolkata as well. Fire is indeed a destroyer but is also a purifier that gets rid of the "old" and creates something new. The fire that destroyed the San Souci Theatre on that day rekindled another fire - "The fire of education". Eventually that burnt out Theatre became the home of an institution that redefined modern education. A small band of Belgium Jesuits headed by Father Henry Depelchin opened their hearts and the doors of their abode at 10 Park Street (Now 30, Mother Teresa Sarani) to become what today stands as a symbol of quality education in The Country...St. Xavier's Kolkata. It was 16th January 1860. St. Xavier's Collegiate School, Kolkata was established for the education of Catholic boys. Today, however, boys of all religious denominations are admitted.

The patron of the School is St. Francis Xavier (07.04.1506 - 03.12.1552). Born of a noble Spanish family, Francis became a follower of St. Ignatious of Loyola during his studies at the university of Paris and was one of his first companions.

St. Ignatius of Loyola, is the Founder of The Society of Jesus. The Society of Jesus, a Christian Religious Order founded by St. Ignatius of Loyola in 1540, has been active in the field of education throughout the world since its origin. The Society of Jesus is responsible for 1865 educational institutions in 65 countries, 356 of them being secondary schools.

The school celebrated its 150th Year on 16th January 2010

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Principal's Desk

Dear children, it is your day
A day of fun and celebration
A day assigned to honour you all
To see the best in you
Try to make the best of the day
That you remember it forever
Enjoying every moment of the day
Never to say I missed anything
God has given you great potential
Flower forth to the fullest measure
So you can say with pride
I am a true human being
Your parents wish to see
That you do great things in life
We in school also wish
That you fulfill the dreams of your life
We are always there with you
To support you and help you
That you develop all that you have
And become what you wish to be
But in the process of education
Lot of things will be demanded of you
Knowing truly well
That you have all that you require
Teachers will give you
Additional help from outside
The actual seed is in you
You have to allow it to grow
The teachers will water the seed
And manure the soil
But the seed that is you
Have to co-operate with the mentor
Then you will fully grow
And mature and become
A fully grown-up being
To the joy and happiness of all
We, all, the teachers
The supporting staff
Along with your parents and well wishers
Wish you all
A very Happy Childrens' Day
With God's blessings from above
Our hearts full of joy and prayer
That all become pleasant human beings
Have a wonderful day.

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