Our lady Queen of the Missions School

Our Lady Queen Of The Missions School

34 Syed Amir Ali Avenue, Park Circus Kolkata 700 017

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Our lady Queen of the Missions School

Contact Person Sr. Joicy Madassery

Phone Number (033)-2290-8196

EMail principal@qmspc.in

Website http://www.qmspc.in/

Our Lady Queen of the Missions School, Park Circus, Kolkata, was founded on 1st August 1946. It is an English-medium Anglo Indian school for Catholic girls, and is administered by Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions (RNDM). A minority institution belonging to the Catholic Church, Our Lady Queen of the Missions School serves all communities; we allow admission to non-Catholic girls, too.

OUR VISION: The Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions are called to live the Gospel Values in the spirit of their charism, honouring the multi-cultural and multi faith reality. The Sisters therefore commit themselves to impart value based education principally to women and girls, with special emphasis to the less privileged; developing the pupils full potential in the quest for excellence. We promote an environment where students can development into strong and responsible women, faithful to values of respect for themselves and compassion for others.

OUR AIM: The aim is of the institute is to provide integral formation to our pupils so that they can grow towards human maturity and guide them towards their vital role in the life of the society for which, as adults, they will have to share responsibilities. At school, the young girls of any religious family find scope within their own cultural milieu to reflect on their lives in the light of their faith, and to develop not only in knowledge and skills, but also in the wisdom which is the fruit of reflection on life and its lessons. As they grow towards human maturity they are enabled with the help of the Divine Spirit and the support of the school to find meaning and purpose in their lives and are inspired to live and work for the building up of a just and fraternal society.

While preparing the students for the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (ICSE) we endeavor to develop their intellectual, moral and spiritual potentiality, helping them to grow into integrated persons with self esteem and positive values in life. We strive to expand the student's mental horizons by promoting and strengthening intercultural experiences, and instill in them the awareness of equality, social justice and world peace.

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Principal's Desk

I take great pleasure in introducing Our Lady Queen of the Missions School, Park Circus to you. It is a Catholic school for girls, established and administered by the Congregation of Our Lady of the Missions which has its origin in Lyons, France. The seventy year old school is a gift to the city from our Foundress Euphraise Barbier who strongly believed that education is the only answer to the problems of any society. Having been a teacher herself she adopted education as a primary mission of the Congregation particularly the education of girls. I quote from her writing A woman who has been well trained should be a credit to her home by her wisdom and economy.  She will pass on to her children the benefits of the good education she has received.  She will be a wise counselor and strong support to her husband and a mother to the poor, the orphans and all who are in need.” 


A ‘home’ away from ‘home’ is the feeling that  each student cherishes and this transition from home to school  at a tender  age of four is made  possible with the loving and caring Sisters and Teachers. Although we lack spacious classrooms, wider corridors and a large playground we foster a very supportive and friendly environment for the children to become confident, independent and happy learners. The warmth and care given to the students along with academic excellence and strong values are the hallmark of the school. 

The new millennium was ushered in by a dramatic technological revolution. We live in an increasingly diverse, globalized and media saturated society. Today’s kindergartners will retire in 2071 to be precise. We have no idea how the world will be then and our students will have to face new issues and problems of their time.  We are aware of the crucial need to prepare our students to communicate, function, create and change personally, socially, economically and politically on local, national and global level to assume a rightful place in the society.  Over the years QMS has made great efforts to provide every child with opportunities to develop holistically and maximize her potential. A perfect blend of Virtue and knowledge, the motto of the school, has formed our students to become strong women who can shoulder responsibility both at personal and professional life. All of us at QMS are committed to give our students the best so that they can celebrate their gifts and enjoy the inherent worth and dignity.

As you read through the pages of the website you will get to know more about the simple but a lively school, its curriculum, extracurricular and co curricular activities.

Happy reading and May God bless us all!

Admission Info

1. Admissions are granted only to Nursery Class and the details of the procedure will be published on the School Notice Board in the month of September/October of each year. A notice is also placed here on the website.

2. Admission to Class K.G to VIII will be taken in case of vacancies at the beginning of the School year. No admission will be taken in Class IX & X. Students seeking admission to any Class, must appear for a test before Admission.

3. Admission to Class XI in Our Lady Queen of the Missions School, Salt Lake, is guaranteed to students of Class X who have good record in attendance, conduct and fulfill the criteria for each stream. Information will be available on the school notice board in the month of February each year and also in the Official Notices section of the website.

4. Any pupil who has attended a recognised School cannot be admitted without a Transfer Certificate from the School last attended. If the pupil comes from a School outside the State of West Bengal, the Transfer Certificate must be countersigned by the Inspector of Schools of the State from which the pupil has come.

Any effort seeking admission through dubious means, such as donations, gifts, recommendation from authorities, etc; will debar the child from getting admission into our school.


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