Abhinav Bharati High School

Abhinav Bharati High School

Abhinav Bharati High School 11, Pretoria Street Kolkata -700071

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Abhinav Bharati High School

Contact Person Mr. Ravi Poddar

Phone Number 033- 22823516/5215

EMail abhs@abhinavbharati.co.in

Website http://abhinavbharati.co.in

Abhinav Bharati Bal Mandir was established on 20th August ,1945 as the first Montessori House of children in Calcutta at the time by the untiring efforts of Late Gyanwati Lath.

In 1989 it was upgraded to a secondary  School upto class X.

Senior Secondary dept was introduced in 1993 with Science , Commerce and Humanities.

The school was affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE).

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Principal's Desk

A visionary of outstanding personality and revolutionary thoughts,Late Gyanwati Lath made her way through the dogmas  and traditional beliefs to establish Abhinav Bharati Bal Mandir in 1945 a Montessori  house  , the first of its kind to be established in the city . Her unceasing efforts have flowered into Abhinav Bharati High School.

On this special day we ,we pay our sincere homage to the soul on whose dreams and accomplishment the institution stands.

“Though you are no more , your blessings will continue to inspire and enlighten the foundation of our lives”.

Admission Info

Parents /Guardians are request to note

1.School Fees to be deposited directly with the Federal Bank Ltd. 21 A Shakespeare Sarani, Kolkata -700017 in cash.

2.Mode of Payment:-

a) Primary Section Fees are to be deposited between 1st and 15th of the month.

b)Secondary & Senior Secondary fees to be deposited between 16th and 31st of the month.

3.Fees has to be paid quaterly (April , July, October and January) between 10:30 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. on working days only.

Tution Fees Rs 1200/- (Mont. to LKG)

Rs1200/- (UKG to V)

Rs 1600/- (VI toX)

Rs 2000/- (XI, XII)
Bus Fees Rs 1100/- (For All)
Term Fees Rs 700/- Half Yearly
Examination Fees Rs 250/-
Library Fees Rs 200/-
Generator & Building Maintenance Rs 200/-
ECA Fees UKG to V Rs 100/- (Monthly)
ECA Fees VI to VII Rs 150/- (Monthly)
Smart Class Rs 200/- (UKG to V)
  Rs 250/- (VI to VII)
Computer Fees:-
(Mont. to LKG) Rs 100/-
(UKG to X) Rs 200/-
(XI to XII) Rs 600/-
ID Card and Diary Fees Rs 100/- (Yearly)
Apparatus & Application Rs 300/- (Mont. to X)
Apparatus & Application Rs 500/- (Yearly (XI to XII) Science
Admission Fees:-
(Mont. to LKG)Non Refundable Rs 20000/-
(UKG to V) Rs20000/-
(VI to X) Rs 25000/-
(XI to XII) Rs 40000/-
Other Fines:-
Duplicate Bill Receipt Rs 50/- per Bill
Replacement of Bus Card Rs 100/-
Replacement of Identity Card Rs 100/-
Replacement of Report FileRs 100/-
Late Payment File :-
Defaulters have to pay a fine of Rs 400/- in the first month and Rs 700/- in the second month of the quarter , Rs. 1500/- if one quarter lapses . If the fees is not paid for a quarter before the start of the next quarter, the name of the student will be struck off the rolls and a re-admission fee will be charged. Annual fee along with 1st Quarter fee must be deposited within April failing which the name of the student will be struck off the rolls.


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