National high school for boys

National High School For Boys

Building No. 42/1, Hazra Road, Kolkata, West Bengal 700019

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National high school for boys

Contact Person Djj Roberts

Phone Number 033 2475 5596



The school was founded by Alonzo Rider on Albert Road, Devonport, in January 1896 to meet the needs of boys in Plymouth and district seeking a career in the Navy, as engineers and civil servants.

In 1906, the Devonport Borough Council took over the school and over the next thirty years it continued to teach boys who came from the city or in by train from the Tamar Valley and Cornwall. Old Boys went on to careers both locally and nationally – and especially in the MoD. In 1941 the school was evacuated to Penzance because of World War II and in 1945 returned to the present site, the former Stoke Military Hospital on Paradise Road, which had been built in 1797.[2] A book by former student and teacher Henry Whitfield called A Torch in Flame, chronicles the history of the school from its founding to the death of headmaster Dr Cresswell in 1974. Since 1904, there has also been an annual school magazine made by pupils with the purpose of keeping students, parents and Old Boys informed about developments and information concerning the school.

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