Khanna High  School for Boys

Khanna High School For Boys

9, Shiv Kumar Khanna Sarani (Guripara Road) Kolkata-700 015

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Khanna High  School for Boys

Contact Person Principal

Phone Number 033-2251-0216



The Paternal Body of Khanna High School for Boys, Girls and Primary, is The Modern Educational Society. The said Society came into existence in the year 1964 and has been registered under the Societies registration Act, 1961. The First President and Secretary of the Said Society was Late Justice Sankar Prasad Mitra, Ex-Chief Justice of Calcutta High Court and Sri Vijay Kumar Khanna, Advocate, High Court Calcutta respectively. The objects for which the Society was established are:

To promote the intellectual and moral welfare of the public in general by such measures as by organizing Schools and Colleges and setting up maintaining libraries, auditorium and play grounds.

Its main purpose is to spread of education in the vast slum area of Beliaghata thickly populated by Hindi speaking people.

In pursuance of the said objects of the Society, The Modern Educational Society entered into an Indenture of lease dated 12.11.1965 with Calcutta Municipal Corporation and thereby obtained the Corporation land measuring 22 Cottah Chittaks and 15 Sq Ft. at 9, Shiv Kumar Khanna Sarani, Kolkata – 700 015.

The school has three separate wings, boys, girls and primary having separate managing committees.


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Principal's Desk

Ut lobortis scelerisque velit at mattis. Pellentesque luctus ante eget arcu condimentum quis dignissim enim aliquet. Aenean felis justo, suscipit ut iaculis lacinia, ultrices at ipsum. Aliquam at imperdiet nunc. Nulla id lacus nec ligula pretium cursus sit amet sit amet urna. Morbi et lacus lectus. eget malesuada tortor. Praesent dapibus mattis neque fringilla adipiscing. Ut turpis purus, consequat nec consequat non, bibendum at lorem. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

In non nisi orci, in commodo mi. Duis mauris risus, eleifend ac vulputate vel, pharetra in augue. Mauris pretium sollicitudin ligula non congue. Nam id dapibus purus. Nulla erat purus, ullamcorper quis facilisis eu, imperdiet in nunc. Praesent nisi eros, facilisis vitae dignissim ut, pretium eu sapien. Nulla convallis adipiscing velit, quis tempus turpis aliquet eget. Donec pellentesque posuere accumsan. Integer tellus urna, pulvinar sed sollicitudin vitae, condimentum eu dolor. Vestibulum vitae lorem sit amet odio interdum porttitor id at augue. Fusce ut hendrerit odio. Etiam dictum erat tortor. Nunc aliquet est et dolor tempus iaculis. Donec sed augue turpis, ut placerat dolor.


Admission Info

The admission process for Khanna High School starts every year in the month of May and School starts in July. For admissions to Khanna High School School, parents should do following steps:
1. Schedule appointment with admissions office of the School.
2. Get registration form either from School office or from School website.
3. Fill up registration form and submit with necessary documents to admission office.

1. For Nursery admissions, the age limit is at least 2 years and 6 months as on May 31st .
2. For class I, the age limit is 5 years and 6 months as on May 31st.

Required Documents:
1. Completed registration form
2. Self attested Copy of birth certificate
3. Transfer certificate, mark sheet of the last exam.
4. Passport size photograph

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