Brahmo Balika Sikshalaya School

Brahmo Balika Sikshalaya School

294, A.P.C. Road. Kolkata - 700009.

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Brahmo Balika Sikshalaya School

Contact Person Sm Jana Majumdar

Phone Number 033-2350-2650



Brahmo Balika Shikshalaya is a product of the Bengal renaissance. Three major Universities had been set up in 1857. A number of outstanding individuals with their roots in Indian culture and heritage but enlightened by Modern European education, surged ahead to modernize the female education of Indian society and Brahmo Balika Shikshalaya spearheaded this noble cause.

Parents in those days were reluctant to send their daughters to school. The Brahmo Balika Shikshalaya authorities combined modern education with Indian traditions instead of imbibing western habits and turning the girls into so called "memsahibs". Their efforts were not in vain as along with time, the number of students increased. The school was founded by Pandit Shivnath Shastri,Dwarakanath Gangopadhyay, Upendra Kishore Roy choudhury Anandamohan Basu and others . Lady Abala Basu took the charge of the school as secretary for 26 years from 1910 only. The school reached a glorious height during her able leadership.


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Students get directly admitted to Class V from the Primary section of our school. A few external students, however, get admitted from each year in Class V to Class VIII only if there are any vacant seats.


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