Vidyasagar Abasik Balika Vidyalay

Vidyasagar Abasik Balika Vidyalay

Tamna, Durku, West Bengal

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Vidyasagar Abasik Balika Vidyalay

Contact Person Office

Phone Number 03252 201 502



Special attention is given to overall development of students. Teachers maintain a strict disciplined life of the studentsin campus. Students are engaged in Cultural, Physical Education and Sports activities compulsorily. Experienced and distinguished teachers train the students in both the fields.

As a recognition of the high quality of cultural education, the Cultural Section of the School received accreditation from Bangiya Sangeet Parishad in 2010.

Areas of improvement of the students, in the run up to board exams are identified by teachers well in advance through a structured approach and systemic steps taken to ensure better results. Meritocracy remains the prime focus in maintaining superior standard in academics in all classes.

The School has been participating actively in the Inter School sports and cultural meets at District as well as State levels every year. The students have earned laurels in many such competitions which created a niche for the School amongst others in the District.

Students are encouraged to pursue horticulture and vegetable farming. Variety of flowers blossom during all seasons and ornament the campus. Vegetables grown in the campus without use of pesticides are used for daily consumption by the students.

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