Institute of Education for Women

Institute Of Education For Women

20 B Judges Court Road. Alipore. Kolkata -700027

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Institute of Education for Women

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Phone Number 03324797034



Long after the period of Lord Warren Hastings, his favourite country residence was converted into a public school. Thereafter it was the official residence of the Resident of the Eastern States of India. After Independence, it housed the Post-Graduate Basic Training College in 1948. Subsequently in 1951 the building came to be used as the Women’s section of David Hare Training College, the renowned teacher training institution. As the number of women trainees increased, a separate Institution was established in 1954, when the decision to create a separate teacher education college exclusively for women was taken to serve the needs of women teachers.

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Principal's Desk

Teachers are pivot in shaping destiny of a great nation. Success or failure of any educational institution functions with the quality, commitment and enthusiasm of the teachers.

“Education is all round drawing out of the best in child and man- body, mind and spirit”. It implies the development of cognitive, affective and conative domain of learner. The main function of education is to guard the social and environmental heritage and inculcate the educational values.

So, the teachers should have a proper knowledge of developmental aspects of body, mind and spirit of the learners. Institute of Education for women, Hastings House was a leading teacher educational institution for proper training of teachers for the development of those aspects since 1954 and is continuing its driving role till now.

Teachers’ role in 21st century has become multidirectional and challenging. As demand of nation changes, as a nation builder, teachers ‘role also becomes dynamic. Teacher has to cultivate social, moral as well as spiritual values in children through their classroom and others activities. For the development of feelings of nationalism and internationalism in children teacher has to prepare them to adopt global citizenship.

To accommodate with present educational system among various skills the learner has to develop self-learning skill and information and communication skill.

Recognizing those factors this institution takes the responsibility to prepare those teachers who will be enabling to act as a mediator between the educational system and learners to provide proper guidance to build a strong nation.
The learning atmosphere in this institution provide the learners to enhance their capacity building by the application of different curricular and co-curricular activities in the form of class lecture, school internship, practicum, seminar, cultural programme, sports etc.

It gives me immense pleasure to welcome all the stakeholders, best wishers, newcomers, educationists, academicians to our institution which is one of the reputed governments B.Ed. and M.Ed. institution in West Bengal.

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