Eastern Institute for Integrated Learning In Management

Eastern Institute For Integrated Learning In Management

6, Waterloo Street, Kolkata - 700069 INDIA

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Eastern Institute for Integrated Learning In Management

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Phone Number (91) (33) 22100911/12/13

EMail eiilm@vsnl.com

Website http://www.eiilm.co.in/

Situated in the heart of Kolkata's business district, the Eastern Institute for Integrated Learning In Management (EIILM) is highly focused source of professional education for building careers in management. It represents an effective and significant investment in human potential development in India in the evolving context of the world. A specialized centre for professional education, the institute has been offering two years full time program in management.

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Whereas chaos and crisis ridicules normal living, systems, structures and plans reestablish the normal fabric of an institution. The journey of human being in the society has created a path for others to follow the trails of legacy. Through the process of coining ideas and activities a fresh human being has been destined to take cues from the paths curved by the forerunners.

The conscious spirit of human being which is invisible, intangible, unnoticeable needs to be explored. Can we unleash it? Can we make it grow? Can we make it the guiding factor of life? Can we assimilate individual consciousness of many and apply that in the context of the collectives. The answer to all these questions is: yes, we can discover the spirit within, make use of the spirit for the benefit of the society and civilization. Make cultivation of new thoughts for transformation of institutions and society and finally transformation of person to a divine identity suited to the empirical requirement.

Post modern civilization will need new species of human being. Management by consciousness would pave the way for that. Managing enterprises by consciousness would establish a link to this phenomenon with the society certainly initiating the process to transform the person as well.

A manager is expected to be the Mother of the company/department/function. As a mother in a family takes care of the individual and collective emotions, personal wellbeing of every member of the family; priority is always given to the overall growth and wellbeing of the family taking into account the special need of individual in her/his organization. She/he is compassionate, caring yet result oriented. The manager is expected to manage his/her organization in the same manner.

An MBA student expects a comprehensive development of her/his personality through the exposure in the curriculum studied. Whereas, intellectual content of the curriculum matters a lot, a practice orientation is regarded more important than the former. A student expects conceptual, experiential and experimental contents in the program. In short, the person develops an inclination towards perfection; success in the corporate world becomes obvious.

Scaling high without any limit in the mind is what is called aspiration unbound. There are certain aspirations which are truly, purely based on material component of fact and rational. There are others who do not like to look at the material component of facts and rational.

Human civilization has scaled very high at all stages of its revolution. Look at a primitive and the social weathers where the ancient sages had dreamt of a society based on truth and relations of divine. The truth was universal in their revolutions and perception. They lived on this truth and wanted others for the same. They discovered the fact that: ‘your mind, your heart, your senses are built on truth, try to realize that, understand in your own way and give it a shape’.

The study of business programs has to have the combination of universal truth on one hand and visualization on the other. A good manager will make a synthesis between these two. The best intellect is one which can accommodate the perennial and the empirical and make best impact out of it. Look at the most successful company / enterprise of the recent times. The experiments of the combination between the universal and the empirical have been done by many of these enterprises and hence, they are successful. The best achievers in the field of business and industry are those having been able to do the same.

To my mind a specific correction is needed in the current structure of the global system of business. We need to look at transforming certain forms of the market or at least taming most of them. To list down a few of them are as follows:

The structures and mechanism of consumerism.
Limited intervention of the market through regulatory mechanism in such a way that consumers and investors receive priority for and impacts on governance.
Flow of funds from larger entities to smaller entities in a continuous process so that the control of the funds and the velocity of the movement of the funds are all in the hands of consumers partly.
The cohesive mechanism of administering markets by forces, which are otherwise non-participant, needs to be evolved in a planned manner.

Business is expected to inherit the accumulated visions of the past, visualized by the human society and the truth experienced by human being at different stages of its evaluation and beaconing.

Human society have observed the era of manufacturing excellence, product excellence, technology leadership, and aggressive consumerism at different phases of its development. The empirical entity of human being and concepts and processes of the needs and demands arise out of it has achieved overwhelming importance till date. However, the era of transformation is awaited. The process of transformation in the human society has started seeding with the same at the level of few individual across the globe. The same shall encompass the broader human society in a larger scale, taming down the needs and demands of the empirical and upholding the issue and the quest of the eternal in human life.

Admission Info

The minimum qualification for admission to the course is a Bachelor’s Degree (10+2+3 system) in Arts/ Science/Commerce or a Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering and Technology/Medical Science/ Professional Course or its equivalent from any University.

Candidate seeking admission to the Course shall have to qualify CAT/MAT/ATMA/EMAT.

Final Selection of the eligible Candidates will be made on the basis of a cumulative score of Academic Achievements, CAT/MAT/ATMA/EMAT Score, Group Discussion, Viva-Voce and Work Experience.


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