TSD Technology Trainings & Services Institute

Tsd Technology Trainings & Services Institute

2/1, Dover Terrace, Kolkata, West Bengal 700019

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TSD Technology Trainings & Services Institute

Contact Person Surajit Deb

Phone Number + 9230557284 ,+ 9903090267

EMail surajitdeb@tsdinstitute.in

Website http://www.tsdinstitute.in

TSD Technology Trainings & Services Institute was established with the vision of providing a Training platform for much needed skills required in the Industries and Commercial organizations. The idea of the Institute was proposed by our Honorary Advisor & well wisher, Mr. Takashi Sagae, an internationally acclaimed Plant Maintenance Consultant.

The Institute was established on 29th March, 2012 and started with organizing TPM ( Total Productive Maintenance) seminars with Consultants from JIPM Solutions Japan, and later on started organizing successful seminars on TPM, Planned Maintenance and Plant safety, which have become regular programs of the Institute.

TSD institute has also been into TPM Consultancy with clients including Indian oil Corporation, Tata Steel group companies, Electrosteel castings, Usha Martin and others.

In house customised TPM Trainings are also another busy area of TSD Institute, where clients are Tata Tinplate, and various Refineries of Indian oil Corporation.

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