Tarakeswar Degree College

Tarakeswar Degree College

Tarakeswar Degree College, Tarakeswar, Hooghly, West Bengal, Pin. - 712410

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Tarakeswar Degree College

Contact Person Principal

Phone Number (91)(3212) 276269/ 279398

EMail principal@tarakeswardegreecollege.org

Website http://www.tarakeswardegreecollege.org/index.html

Tarakeswar Degree College is a relatively new college as compared to other colleges in the neighbourhood.

It was established twenty in the year 1986 on 5th September- a day celebrated as the Teachers’ Day in memory of Dr. Sarbapally Radhakrishnan, a renowned Indian philosopher and educationist.

They worked relentlessly to transform their dreams into reality, to enlighten and ignite the minds of a large section of uneducated off-springs of peasant families.

His Holiness Sri Srimat Dandiswami Hrishikesh Ashram Mahanta Maharaj of Tarakeswar Math with his kindness and generosity donated 3.5 acres of prime land for the purpose of establishing the college campus.

Kind support from the Hon’ble Member of Parliament, Sri Anil Basu and Hon’ble Minister of Fire & Emergency Services Department, Govt. of West Bengal, Sri Pratim Chatterjee, Sri Shankar Ray Chowdhury, Ex-General of Army & Member of Rajya Sabha, who made liberal contributions from their Local Area Development Funds became instrumental in shaping the college.

The college never boasts of being a centre of excellence but it has definitely served as a modal college in this region. In recognition of the above and of its potential to excel as a centre of learning the college was recognised under Section 2F & 12B of the UGC on Jan 24,1991.

Despite several odds, the college has made conspicuous progress in terms of physical expansion, diversification of the subject combinations and number of students getting enrolled.



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Principal's Desk

We often come across a phrase- ‘its time for a change’. But does this phrase suggest something new ? The answer to this question might be an ambiguous one. For, the human civilization is marked by a constant process of change - the evolution. With the changing environment man has adapted to one mode of living from another. This is how we have traversed our path from the nomadic Stone Age life to our present modernity. And we know that the present is evasive for the tomorrow will not be the same. Therefore, we need to be insightful and prepare ourselves for the emerging changes of the future. The present phenomenon of change is multidimensional as it is reflected in our economy, our work place, the trade, the society, our living, habits, culture and even in our polity.


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For Admission Details Visit Here: http://www.tarakeswardegreecollege.org/admissions.php

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