Stepping Stone High School

Stepping Stone High School

89/90/1, Bangur Park, Rishra, Bangur Park, Rishra, Hooghly, West Bengal 712248

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Stepping Stone High School

Contact Person Office

Phone Number 033 2672 6934



Stepping Stones High school represents a fresh perspective of our time and a glimmer of the future. Our school establishes a strong foundation for a happy and successful adult life. It is a place where one learns about the totality and the wholeness of life. Academic excellence is absolutely necessary but our school includes much more than that. It is a place where both the teacher and the taught, explore the world.

The landscape of Learning and teaching trends are changing year on year.  At Stepping Stones, our teachers are facilitators of this change.

Technology has become pervasive in our lives as well as our classrooms. We create positive digital imprints for our students. Using Google for a research project is no longer a luxury but the norm. Digital citizenship has become a crucial aspect of our educational curriculum.Science is taught in a manner that students make connections with the real world. This paradigm shift helps our students to see science in everything that we do, be it using measurements for ingredients during cooking time or measuring beats in music or even working on projects in English, social studies and science.

Our associations with various reputed sports organizations like Laliga and NBA gives our students the cutting edge over their contemporaries.

Learning is not intimidating for our children. Hands-on activities help make academics more tangible for students and become a bridge to abstract thinking.

Encouraging team work helps develop communication and life skills in children.Holistic education from the heart is our endeavour.

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Principal's Desk

At Stepping Stones High School we take the responsibility of nurturing our children’s dreams seriously and ensure they richly     enjoy their academic journey, as the most glorious years of life, spent in the safe environs of school, where the wonder of first   time experiences craft childhood memories that will be savored at leisure forever. What we are hoping for is to nurture our   children into lovely human beings with enlightened minds and compassionate hearts, children who will grow up to make the     world a more vibrant, peaceful and beautiful place in which all can live in harmony. My vision is to find ways to make the   educational systems more humane, equitable, and relevant to the changing world scenario, using technology to link schools   and youth globally. As you flip through the pages of the site  community. Stepping Stones follows a CBSE curriculum that   provides for the educational experience necessary for our students to take you will gather information about our wonderful   students, our school and get the feel of the vibrancy and strength that prevails through the schoolthem through adolescence and prepare them for ‘LIFE. We wish that they learn to identify themselves with values of respect, responsibility, integrity, co-operation and above all compassion for human life. We believe in inclusive education and support students with varied and different needs. We are a ‘learning community’ which encourages staff and students and parents to involve themselves in all aspects of school life in order to maximize the academic and social development of our children. We strongly believe that ‘World is a family’ and strive to ensure that it permeates in everything we do. Our students enjoy coming to school for we ensure that they are provided with every opportunity to ‘dream’ and ‘lead’. Attaining academic prowess is not the only goal we have envisioned for our pupils. Our primary aim is to provide an environment that encourages the holistic development of the child, by integrating Arts, Dances, Debates, Music, and Sports (to name a few) with academics. Additionally, offering such a diverse set of activities gives our students an opportunity to discover themselves and their innate talents and strengths, helping students develop their character, creativity, values, personal leadership and the spirit of enterprise necessary for them to achieve their full potential. Schools must teach children to win and lose gracefully. They must teach what the Dalai Lama so rightly said “When you lose –don’t lose the lesson”. We are determined to set high standards of achievements for ourselves. We aim at nothing less than being the best school. It is possible if we don’t compete with other schools –but with ourselves. We must stretch ourselves to the best and believe me, we will be the trendsetters and not followers. We must lead and set benchmarks for excellence.

Admission Info

You have to confirm the admission as soon as you receive the letter from the school, mentioning that your ward has been selected for a particular class.

The admission will be confirmed only when the fees and the necessary documents are submitted as per the requirements given. The necessary payments have to be made on the very same date given in the letter.

If the payments are not made on the date& time given in letter, the school reserves all the rights to give admission to the other students on the waiting list.

Please fill the admission forms in full and as per the norms and conditions mentioned in the form. Mention the correct address, telephone numbers, blood group and other details, which will be convenient for further correspondence from our side.

Once the admission is confirmed parents cannot ask for a change of division or house.

If you want to withdraw the admission, the fee refund policy will be as follows:-

  1. If admission is withdrawn within 7 days from the date of admission, admission fees will charged & other fees will be refunded.
  2. If admission is withdrawn between 8 to 15 days from the date of admission, half of the total amount will be refunded.
  3. If the admission is withdrawn between 15 to 30 days from the date of admission only 10% of the total will be refunded & if the admission is withdrawn after one month only the refundable amount will be refunded.
  4. Admission fees will not be refunded in any of the above circumstances.
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I am interested in enrolling my son in this school. Please provide us with more details about the school.

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