Pearls Of God School

Pearls Of God School

5/4, Debaipukur Road, Hindmotor, Hooghly, PIN-712233

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Pearls Of God School

Contact Person Office

Phone Number 033-26946479, 033-26944994



Pearls of God is the other name of learning where under the active and devoted supervision of a group of passionate educationist, is dreamt to do something different. This dream came true on 4th July,1994. Inspired by the ever inspiring thoughts of Swami Vivekananda, Pearls of God came into existence with little resources but with great love and passion . This intense passion and love guided the sapling to touch the stars in a few days. The initial building had to be extended within a few days when accommodation became a serious problem. In a few phases the present building grew up.

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Principal's Desk

Fellow Oyesterians, You may face difficulty in life, but it will be easier to overcome any stumbling block if you gain the knowledge that what you and the others are and what is the source of your knowledge. First let us come to the conclution of the source of your grief or ordeal which is nothing comparing of what you really are.-you become to this conclusion as you started to have the knowledge that what you are –then possessing the faith about your inherent divinity- and then when you start to reflect that vast potential world inside into daily life- “Jiva is Siva”- Siva is a form through which we conceive and perceive God-In ancient civilization – we are human and we can imagine God only in a human form- We must know the philosophy behind this utterance and how it is bringing benefit to the pragmatic world-so our one such highest form of imagining God is Siva by referring Jiva is Siva.Lord meant that we too are the highest form of imagining God is Siva and by referring Jiva as Siva,Lord meant that we too are the highest form- there is infinite bliss, infinite knowledge and infinite peace inside us- Only we have to delve deep inside the utterance – now the celestial song affirms the utterance-there is a profound world inside us- beyond the grasp of sword ,fire, wind and water –God refers to the term of anything lofty, grand and powerful in man –now as you become aware of yourself and others as everyone possess this vast divinity inside- your ordeal of tribulation of vicissitude begins to grow smaller than you-you begin to face them knowing that you possess a world that if brought into manifestation may tumble any stumbling block-Oysterians,it is a long subject- we must end here. Your esteem and noble institution wishes you all the best of luck in your any future venture as you also hold the same esteem as any institution of your Motherland possess

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