Netaji Subhas Mahavidyalaya

Netaji Subhas Mahavidyalaya

Santi Nagar, Haldibari, West Bengal 735122

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Netaji Subhas Mahavidyalaya

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Phone Number 03561-263266



NETAJI SUBHAS MAHAVIDYALAYA ,popularly known as Haldibari college  was  established  in 1985 by the active  manoeuvre  of local educationists . Haldibari is an area  situated more than 140 km away from district head  quarter of Coochbehar. It is inhabited by mainly SC and Minority people .Before the establishment of this college ,there were only two higher education institutions in this area named  Haldibari High School and Haldibari Girls’ High school .After passing out from the school s ,students had to go to Jalpaiguri , Siliguri or Coochbehar . As a result, many students could not acquire higher education in spite of having desire of acquiring higher education. The most difficult situation was faced by the girls student . People of this area are poor and depends on agriculture for  their livelihood and they could not afford higher education.Under such circumstances the local educationist and local politicians, irrespective of their political ideology ,like Sri Amar Roy Prodhan, Sri Upendra Mohan Dey, Sri Kamalakanta Bhattacharya, Sri Manoranjan Guha Roy, Sri Rama Prassanna Neogi, Sri Paritosh Ch Roy felt the dire need of establishing a college at Haldibari.They conveyed their message to the then Education minister Sri Sambhu Ghosh . As a result of their indefatigable toil the college was supposed to be started  in 1984 but due to  some reasons it was deferred and it was finally inaugurated  on 16 October in  1985 with 6 teachers and 9 non teaching  members  of  staff . But the college started formally functioning on and from 18th November 1985.The college started its journey with only 32 students .The College was started with 3 tin shaded room  and was inaugurated by the then Education Minister Sri Shambhu Ghosh and  he was accompanied by  Sri Nirmal Bose  the then  Industry Ministerand Sri Kamal Guha,the then Agriculture Minister   in the presence of local educationists. The college started with General course in Arts Stream  only. Gradually honours course  in English ,Bengali, History ,Political Science  and Geography were introduced   .Later on Commerce   stream also was  introduced in the college .Now the college has overcome its infancy and reached its puberty under the tutelage of the present Principal and continue spreading ray of knowledge among the people .The college has produced a  galaxy of erudite scholars  and continues to do so.

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Principal's Desk

It is a matter of great pleasure to me to give a write –up after wading through many ups and downs of life. I am becoming nostalgic when I pick up my pen to write about this college .When I joined this college in 2003 as the first permanent principal , my endeavour was to accelerate the objectives with which this college was established in 1985 by the then educationists and visionary leaders of Haldibari, a tail end part of Coochbehar, having large chunk of its population belonging to SC and minority community largely based on agriculture. I just tried to continue what the founder members had dreamt to do. From its infant stage of having a handful of tin shaded rooms I have been lulling and rearing this college to my level best to metamorphoses it into its present stage .Higher education in the present day is becoming more challenging. To cope up with this changing scenario, the teaching- learning process as well as other ancillary activities in the college needs to be reoriented which the college is trying to adapt. The whole hearted efforts of the teaching faculty and the co-operation of non-teaching staff to this effect provide better facilities to the students of this region. Although it is often said that education is now becoming a commodity, but we do not believe so. The sense of responsibility and education that we inculcate among our students has far reaching effects and lasts for life long which ultimately benefits the society at large. Since a greater portion of our students are first generation learner, we have taken the challenge to make at least one graduate in every family not only of this block but also in the surrounding zone. We keep special attention to develop the moral ethics among the students. Being an agro-based zone, major portion of students are coming from poor families. Our special care to them by providing adequate library facility, financial assistance from students' aid fund, special coaching outside classroom etc. possibly attract a good number of first generation learners of this locality. We try to develop the participatory activities of the students through interclass debate competition, extempore, quiz competition, cultural activities, participation in games and sports, NSS activities etc. which make our student fit to cope up with the changing scenario. Leadership role of students through students union for the benefit and betterment of students are also encouraged. In short, we are trying to make our institution a place for making a complete man fit for the today's society. Yet a lot are to be done to make the institution's adaptability with the changing scenario of higher education and to make our products marketable. .At present this college offers honours in five subjects in Arts and General course in Arts and also in commerce .We are thinking about introducing Science Stream . Now the college has 36 teachers and 18 non teaching staff. This college is the constituent of Coochbehar Panchanan Barma University. We help to blossom the budding genius into its perfect shape .Our aim has always been and shall be to channelize the potentialities of the students into his or her performance. My well wishes will always remain with my students for their bright and successful career, who are the main constituents of any educational institute and without whose presence I am not what I am considered to be today. I want to conclude with the lines of famous American poet Robert Frost: 

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