Mallabhum Institute of Technology

Mallabhum Institute Of Technology

266/B, Rashbehari Avenue, Kolkata-700019.

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Mallabhum Institute of Technology

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Phone Number 033-2440-1082 65350032



Bishnupur is in the District of Bankura, West Bengal, happened to be the capital of erstwhile Mallabhum which had a glorious past. It still possesses relics of the past through its terracotta carved out in a variety of designs which reflect the intellectual and cultural ambience of Bishnupur. The whole country has still the nostalgia about the Bishnupur Gharana of music. In brief, artistic designs, cultural sensitivity, indigenous craftsmanship and the vibrant music, all taken together form the moorings of Bishnupur. This has enabled Bishnupur to move forward in keeping with of the trends of the day. Some of these ongoing trends are communication, information, production etc. which are emerging facets of technology with a global tenor. Bishnupur can afford to absorb them, because of its strength in heritage and architecture and human resource.

The term 'Technology', being essentially generic throughout the world acquires a new rationale in the context of Bishnupur; hence the motivation for the foundation of Mallabhum Institute of Technology envisaged by new engineers, doctors, professors and leading figures of the community around Bishnupur. As a part of conviction, they hope that the inception of Mallabhum Institute of Technology would keep on acquiring newer and newer dimensions in terms of global trends without being oblivious of the aspirations and realities of the community around.
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Principal's Desk

Tech. colleges are in plenty in the country. But the abundance in number does not commensurate with the quality and required standard expected from them, in the changed Global scenario. Often the commitments of better infrastructural facilities, congenial learning environment and talented pool of faculty members are not kept. The chasm between promise and performance is often found to be widening, impacting directly in the production of efficient technocrats.

MIT does not believe in showing false hopes before its students and hence, has been included in the galaxy of very rare and exceptional engineering colleges. It feels proud to transform promises into performances. There is no mismatch between what it swears and what it does. Our qualitative teaching-learning process constantly prods the students to believe that there’s no substitute to hard work under right guidance to lay their conceptual framework on a solid foundation. We hope this will enable them to sustain in the global survival race. Our ceaseless effort to sharpen their cognitive function is reflected in their University results and placement record. Our methods of conducting theory and laboratory classes, class tests and semester exams. Speak of our sincerity and candour. The college has achieved almost zero deficiency in so far as physical infrastructure is concerned.

Technology is flexible. So with the change of its nature, it is required to update our knowledge parameter to acquaint with its changing nature. As our students are from different socio-economic and linguistic backgrounds and of varying standards– from very promising to average, we have set a benchmark to groom them equally well. Our overriding concern is to turn them into self-respecting and self-reliant individuals ready to accept challenges. Any country will be benefited from the rich potential of such innovative and productive band of engineers.


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