Kurseong College

Kurseong College

Dow Hill Road, Darjelling, Kurseong, West Bengal 734203

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Kurseong College

Contact Person Office

Phone Number 6296-258-920

EMail kurseongcollege@yahoo.in

Website http://www.kurseongcollege.net/

For the inhabitants of Kurseong and its vicinity, high school was the end for the pursuit of education. Very few people could afford to send their children to colleges outside and thus dreams for a better life died young for others.

At this juncture the citizens committee of Kurseong took up the burning need for starting a college to achieve socio-economic development and upliftment of the people. A body was formed in 1958 with the following members:

1. D.B. Chettri – President
2. N.N. Pradhan – Principal cum Secretary
3. P.T. Lama – Member
4. D.N. Pradhan – Member
5. C.B. Gurung – Member
6. Mrs. Maya Devi Chettri – Member

A night college came into existence and the classes were held in a church. The college continued for only two years when it ran into rough weather and discontinued.

After a lapse of a few years, the Citizen Committee, again took up the issue and roped in the District Commissioner as President. Then the college got successfully established on 17th August, 1967, the first Foundation Day of the college. But it was a night college and a good number of students were enrolled in pre-university Arts, pre-university Commerce and B.A. 1st Year. Classes were conducted in Kakina House. Later, the college acquired Haridas Copse, the present site of the college campus where a new building was constructed and then shifted to the New Building in 1977.

Today the people of Kurseong Sub-Division with the main occupation of Tea Garden labours,

Agricultural farming, animal husbandry and daily wage earners visualize his wards shining in the struggle of life. He relies hopes in Kurseong College for Graduate level education of his wards. With the passage of time, the college has been contributing towards the transformation of knowledge and education in the line of prevailing national standard incorporating the equality of opportunity, freedom, social justice and secularism.

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Admission Info

The admission procedure starts immediately after the declaration of Higher Secondary results by the West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education. Kurseong College ensures wide publicity to the process of admission through advertisement in the College website, in newspapers both in English and Nepali, by sticking posters at all important points of the town and also through the local cable network. Kurseong College follows the guidelines provided by the North Bengal University regarding the selection of the students to various courses. The intake is completely based on merit. The cut off % for various courses varies from year to year depending on the merit and number of applicants. Our college ensures transparency in the admission process by displaying name and % of marks secured by students at the Higher Secondary level in the admission list.


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