Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya

Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya

Gopalpur, Birbhum, West Bengal, India, Pin - 731303

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Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya

Contact Person Office

Phone Number +91-3463-269074

EMail info@jnvbirbhum.org

Website http://www.jnvbirbhum.org/

It was established in the year 2006 and started functioning in the Chawhatta, near Chawhatta High School with strength of 40 students. In 2009 the Vidyalaya was shifted to the present permanent site at Gopalpur and has strength of 311 students of which 103 are girls. All the construction with regard to infrastructure is completed. There are 06 blocks of dormitories (each block have capacity of 96 No. students) for students and one dining hall for boys and girls. There are 42 staff quarters. The Vidyalaya has 9.6 Acres of land where about 03 acres of land is used for the living area and the remaining is school building, hostels, mess and playfield. Around the school building and internal Vidyalaya road side area plantation has been done in order to preserve the environmental needs. The Vidyalaya is well equipped with 14 spacious class rooms, five Labs separately for Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Computer and Maths, 01 LCD projector and rich library etc.

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Principal's Desk

During service of Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti, I had the opportunity to serve in the state of Tripura, Arunachal Pradesh, Utter Pradesh and at present in West Bengal – Birbhum District; I am proud to serve in Navodaya Vidyalaya as Principal. Founder of Navodaya Vidyalaya, Late Shri Rajeev Gandhi, the former Prime Minister of the Republic of India dreamed of development of India through there Navodaya Vidyalayas – "Cherished dream in his heart of hearts is to educate rural children, the rural people is the real back-bone of the country, was his idea and he worked till his last breath for their welfare".

Thus, I feel good and proud being part of this auspicious work of Nation’s Development. The root notion/vision/idea of Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti is to mould, the opportunist students, to good humans and to prepare good citizens of India with oath and determination; I would like to give message that they prepare themselves to contribute their valuable and unparallel contribution in the development of nation, with dedication and honesty. Opportunity should not be wasted.

For teachers – Whatever the situation is and will be, they should not alienate themselves from responsibilities of shaping the rural talents and this is the challenge.

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