37/1, Bhaiav Dutta Lane, Salkia, Howrah, West Bengal 711106
Salkia Vikram Vidyalaya is a Higher Secondary School, situated at 37/1 Bhairab Dutta Lane, Salkia, Howrah-711106, West Bengal, India. Salkia Vikram Vidyalaya was established on 5 January 1935. Vikramaditya Sharma and his brother Chandrika Prasad Sharma laid the foundation stones of the school.The students belonged to the Hindi speaking people of Howrah, mainly expats of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh in suburban Kolkata, West Bengal. It provides education to all classes of people, from primary education to secondary, up to higher secondary level in Science, commerce and arts streams. It has a branch school named Vikram Vidyalaya (Branch) situated near Tikiapara Railway Bridge. Tha main branch has two large buildings, with three floors in each building. A primary teachers training institute was also located in the school which has been shifted somewhere in Chatterjee Hat, Shibpur,Howrah.
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