Noonbahi Road, Uttar Ramchandrapur, Malda, West Bengal 732101
i. Have the power to learn
ii. Are curious & creative
iii. Can succeed
No two students have exactly the same skills or learning style. That’s why we create an individual learning plan for every child. Your plan will combine direct instruction, small-group work, and one-on-one tutoring in a way that works for your student.
Each child's future follows a different path and momentum. In order for them to succeed in the 21st century, we will need to provide them with an education that prepares them to be creative, compassionate and innovative adults. We as responsible educators take upon ourselves to create a stimulating environment where young minds are nurtured to blossom into intelligent, mature and enriched youth. Knowledge being the most democratic source of power, we must impart quality education to our young scholars who are key agents in the process of development and peace.
I am happy that under the umbrella of the prestigious Holy Child English Academy and our very capable teachers, our school has nurtured itself over the past so many years to bear testimony to the fact that our students are globally competitive and immensely capable in preparing them for a better tomorrow.
Our students realize in time that they have to create a niche for themselves in a world that is seamless and where acquisition of knowledge is the only way to acclimatize themselves to this fast-paced ever-changing world of theirs.We understand your concern for your kids. We also know that you desire simply the best, especially when it comes to education. We, here at Holy Child English Academy are driven by our aspiration in being instrumental in shaping young, receptive minds and letting them explore and expand their horizons.Our exclusive educational programmes and state-of-the art teaching methods encourage students to develop critical thinking regarding studies. Our model of education is designed to promote holistic and integrated development among students – Physical, Mental and Emotional. Apart from academics, we groom your child through various activities that incorporates creative work as well as by providing them an opportunity to develop their spoken skills. Remedial Classes, Coaching Classes, Coaching for entrance examinations, Field Trips, Night Camps, Trekking, and Educational Excursion are all integrated in our routine.
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