Deshbandhu (Govt) District Library, Darjeeling

Deshbandhu (govt) District Library, Darjeeling

35, H. D. Lama Road, P.O. + Dist. : Darjeeling, Pin. : 734101

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Deshbandhu (Govt) District Library, Darjeeling

Contact Person Smt. Puspa Chhetri

Phone Number 0354-2256522



With a view to extending library facilities to the peoples of Hill Areas of the Darjeeling District and with the auspicious contributions of the elites from the hills the Deshbandhu District Library, Darjeeling was housed in “THE CARLTON HOUSE” (Hotel owned by the British) in the year 1958. Later it was converted in to a full fledged Government Institution in November 1975. The Library is housed in an area of 4160 Sq Ft.

The Library possesses the rich collections on Eastern Himalayas, History of Darjeeling, Tea, Timber, Tourism, etc.

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Working Days And Hours

Monday to Saturday (2nd & 4th Saturday closed), 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

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