Changrachak Jagadish Smriti Vidyapith

Changrachak Jagadish Smriti Vidyapith

Changrachak, Moyna Purba Medinipur, Pin - 721152, West Bengal, India

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Changrachak Jagadish Smriti Vidyapith

Contact Person Office

Phone Number +91-9733846966



Established on 2nd January 1942, in the heart of the Village Changrachak, in a picturesque atmosphere far from the madding crowd Changrachak Jagadish Smriti Vidyapith, formerly known as Changrachak Rabindranath Memorial Institute is not like many other schools existing in the rural belt. She can look back with reasonable pride to the glorious tradition and lofty ideals already set by her illumine Ex- students, Headmasters, Teachers and other citizens. Our sincere attempt would be not only to maintain but also to enhance the quality of academic achievement and to infuse our budding learners manliness fearlessness selflessness to be the torch-bearer in this mission and to dedicate ourselves fully to this challenge.

During the last 74 yrs of its successful existence, she has produced a galaxy of vibrant scholars, scientists, technocrats and bureaucrats who are well established at home and abroad. Besides brilliant academic performance many ex-students as writers, poets, doctors, engineers and sports personalities enriched their respective fields with their originality and added new feather to her crown. Our school really feels proud of them.

Mention must be made of some legendary Headmaster and teachers-in-charge like late BANKIM BEHARI BERA, LATE KALIPADA KULAVI, BISHNUPADA MAITI, VIVEKANANDA DAS, LATE RAMAPATI MAITI, PRABHAT KR DAS, BABULAL MANNA, ANANTA KUMAR GRORAI AND RABISANKAR MONDAL - who took admirable roles in moulding the lives of the learners.


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Headmaster's Desk

Education is no longer a monotony rather it is an interesting chapter in one's life. As it is known to us, the power of education enlightens us to become better humans and a proper schooling is the stepping stone towards that direction.

C.J.S.V. is now a Govt. Sponsored Co-educational School. It is not just a school, a place of learning, rather it is a place where every child is made to dream a better tomorrow. C.J.S.V. aims at nurturing the underlying qualities in a child, the best gift of God, bringing to surface the mastermind in him.

C.J.S.V. is situated in the picturesque location with sprawling greenery. It ensures a perfect ambience learning and training the young mind. The school provides a perfect blend of intellectual and emotional development under one roof, with top notch professionally qualified faculty. Emotional development and intellectual maturity are woven fine to impart a sound education that is textured with the basics of self-perfection, liberty and progress. At the same time we intend to inculcate humanity in a child with his/her capability of communication with and sympathy for mankind.

I feel honoured and privileged to be the H.M of the school and was grateful and thankful to my predecessors for handing over such an excellent legacy. Through the year the school has maintained its unique performance both in the results of Madhyamik and H.S Examination not only in Tamluk Sub-Division but also at the in the District and State level. Since 1942 the school has been serving with its alumni looking back with fond memories and has given birth to many scholars and leaders in different fields and jobs.

Among the hon'ble former Headmasters of the school late honourable Ramapati Maiti perhaps the main pillar of the school, took a pivotal role in shaping the lives of the students. During his captaincy the fame of the school spread far and wide.

I am also lucky enough to enjoy the company of an experienced and committed team of staff and management. They have brought the school to its present stature with their devoted will/devotion and dedication. With the help of my team of silent workers and committed faculty, I wish to go forward to raise and spread the honour of the school.

Now, the Platinum Jubilee is knocking at the door. Thousands of well-established ex-students are required to extend their fuller co-operation for the healthy development of their beloved institution.

I assure you that my doors will always remain open to the students and their parents for any suggestion and guidance for betterment of the school.

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